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Team Build - 2017 to 2022

Updated: Nov 17, 2022

It's been 5 years since the devastation of the Tubbs fire ripped through our neighborhoods and brought such destruction to our families, pets and homes. So it is bitter sweet sharing any of the many stories that surround this event. But with a view looking forward, I have found great reward in working to rebuild a few of those homes lost. It has been team work for sure, but for those who lost a part of themselves, I can only imagine the courage it has taken to make all those choices and put one foot in front of the other so many times. To be witness to this enduring fortitude has been humbling. To have been part of 'the team' in all kinds of ways has been an honor.

Looking at the projects we have participated in, the predominant ethos seems to me to be one of change. Change in lifestyle, change in design and change attitude. Considering all the mountains that had to be scaled, starting with remediation, through planning, insurance, materials, permits, the build itself including landscape, followed by actually making a new home complete, the sheer determination has been astronomical! I have been astounded by the home owners' fortitude. Couple that with a degree of good nature that seems to arise in humanity at a time when there is little left to lose, I have felt blessed to be able to show up and be a supportive team member.

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